
Mobile phones have become a necessary thing for people of all ages. Some time we give our smartphone to children for long time. They usually watch cartoon or listen to music or they use phone as a toy. We should be aware of the effects of mobile phones on kids.

Harmful Effects of Using Mobile Phones on Children

Mobile Radiation

I am reminding you of the old thing again. Mobile radiation is nothing new. However, it cannot be overstated how harmful smartphones are for your baby. Maybe you are controlling your child with a smartphone to control you, to stop mischief, to stop crying, to eat, but you will realize how much you are destroying it later.

Many parents are proud to use their children's smartphones. They are proud to think that his child is so talented! This is what happens in most cases. All parents are heard to say this with pride. So parents need to be aware first. Even if we know, we do not believe that today's children are the future of tomorrow.

The mobile phone is a very important device for the present time. Smartphones have been added over time. The use of smartphones has multiplied in this decade. Today, smartphones are in the hands of people of all classes, professions and even ages. This modern life seems to depend on smartphones for the sake of technology. People of all ages as well as children nowadays have smartphones in their hands.

Although mobile phones are a means of communication, smartphones have multidimensional advantages. Thanks to the Internet, smartphones are now a guide, a teacher or a friend. Smartphone is the name of a kingdom of knowledge. In many cases, this device is playing a great role in important work.

However, in addition to everything, it also has serious harmful effects. Smartphones are a blessing in disguise, especially for children, teenagers and young adults. Taking this generation to the path of light, this smart device is pushing it into darkness again. So it is needless to say how harmful a smartphone is for a child. Why are smartphones harmful for children? Let's find out.

Tumors and Cancers

Mobile use can cause tumors in children. This is not the case with normal use of the tumor. Children who use mobile phones for long periods of time have a higher risk of developing tumors. There has been a lot of research, discussion and criticism about mobile radiation even before smartphones became readily available. Since mobile phones run through wave power and the matter is completely invisible, there is no easy way to control this problem. So the risk level of children is much higher.

Childhood is a time of growing or emerging for a human being. At this time, the various organs of their body remain immature, so the level of risk is higher in children than in an adult as a result of mobile radiation. Mobile radiation affects their ears and brain and damages the nervous system.

If a child develops nervous dysfunction during the formation of the body, he will have to endure this suffering for the rest of his life. Sensitive parts of the baby's body absorb about 80 percent of the mobile radiation. This can lead to tumors and even cancer. The World Health Organization (WHO) has described the baby as a "potential carcinogen".

Disrupts Brain Function

The human brain has its own electrical tendencies. In addition, the human brain manages. Inside, all activities are performed on the neural network. When a thought arises in our mind, the neurons in our brain actively instruct us to make a decision by quickly implementing or analyzing that thought.

Not only this, with the help of this decision it automatically sends messages to other parts of the body to implement that thought or plan. We get emotional satisfaction when our thoughts and actions are done without any hindrance, otherwise we get bored. This is the normal functioning of our brain.

Naturally, children's bodies are immature compared to adults. Therefore, a child's brain does not have enough resistance to resist the radiation of mobile phone. So when this radiation enters his brain, a kind of mixed reaction occurs in the child's brain, the result of which is not immediately understood.

If a child is more accustomed to mobile phones from an early age and grows up in the same way, they are more likely to be in a bad mood because their brain activity is not normal. One may be bored, may be prone to crime or may have any distorted mentality, may be mentally handicapped.

Inattentive to Study

Along with schoolbags, books, notebooks, pens and pencils, smartphones have now been added to the school as a new companion for children. Even though there is no permission in the school, the children are using it secretly. There is no way to stop it. That's why more attention is being focused on mobile phones than children's education.

They don't take their eyes off the cellular display of the smartphone even during class breaks. Children's mobile phone addiction is having a huge impact on end of the year or any test. Excluding textbooks, immersed in the world of games, Facebook, ticks, not only their studies are being harmed but also their future is heading towards darkness.

Inappropriate Media

Children addicted to mobile phones communicate and communicate with each other in groups or within themselves. In this case, if one child goes bad, it spreads to all the children through the group. Influence other children through feeling sharing.

Through this, children share ugly media, texts and even their own horrible pictures or videos. This is how a child slowly drifts towards pornography. Once a child becomes addicted to pornography, it is no longer possible for him to recover. Pornography is just as addictive as drugs.

These three problems in particular are most noticeable in children. In addition, children are growing up with mental health, sleep disorders and various physical, mental and social problems. This situation is a threat to the new generation of any nation.

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