
How to stay active all day at work

How to stay active all day at work

Many people work in one place for a large part of the day. Especially in corporate offices it goes like this from morning till night. After returning home from work, you can't make time for physical exercise. As a result, it has a detrimental effect on the body. High blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, heart problems can occur. But there are three easy ways to keep yourself active even if you work all day.

01. Take a three minute walk inside the office in the middle of work. Take such walking breaks at least five times a day. It does not take much time. Fifteen minutes throughout the day. As a result, there is no difficulty in working in the workplace.

02. Do a little stretch in the middle of work. No need to go to the gym for that. If you do not have your own seating area in the office, go to the rooftop or veranda or washroom for five minutes. Stretch for a while. It will increase blood circulation.

03. There are some special foods that can take care of the heart. Eat some oily fish. It contains omega-3 fatty acids. And as a result, the heart is better, inflammation is reduced. In addition, a variety of lemons can be eaten. The body will get antioxidants and nitric oxide, it will reduce inflammation. And love yourself. Do not become depressed due to work stress or fatigue. Try to do whatever you want to do to keep your mind well. Keep a balance in everything in life. Give time to loved ones, give time to yourself. Then you will be fresh and lively.

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