
What is a web search engine optimization? How does a search engine work?

What is a web search engine optimization

Huge collections of web pages are stored in different parts of the world and these web pages have different information and data. It is not possible for anyone to know where the information of any subject is stored in the world. The only search engine or search engine is some web pages that find out what the user needs, now we are more or less familiar with the search engine. In the digital age, you can easily find the answer by searching in the search engine to know something. The role of search engine is essential to find something. So I don't know what a search engine is and how a search engine works:

What is a search engine optimization?

Search engine optimization SEO is a software tool that seeks information from the World Wide Web. As a result of searching for any information on the internet, search engines store that information and select the information from different web pages. Search engines find websites based on important keywords and search for something from a web page is called search. There are several search engines available to help you complete your search.

What is the function of search engine?

The job of a search engine optimization SEO is to find a website based on important keywords. Another function of the search engine is to find the correct information and answers, the search engine finds the necessary information or topic on behalf of the user.

Types of search engines: There are four main types of search engines. As follows: - 01. Crawler Search Engine 02. Web Directors 03. Hybrid Search Engine 04. Meta Search Engine

Search engines can be divided into three categories based on algorithms and activities. E.g .:
01. Primary search engine (Google, Bing, Yahoo) 02. Secondary Search Engine (MSN, Snap) 03. Targeted search engine (AOL, Lycos, AltaVista etc)

There are several popular search engines for finding any information which are as follows: -


The name of Google comes to mind before the search engine. And that's why it's at the top of the list. This is one of the most popular freelancing jobs today, such as SEO, web developing. Google address is


The name that comes to mind right after Google is Yahoo. The transition from a sub-mission website to a search engine began in 1994. Yahoo address is


Bing is a search engine created by Microsoft. It also provides search features like image, video, shopping news etc. along with standard web search results. Bing's address is

Bing originated from Microsoft's MSN Search, which later changed to Windows Live Search. In 2009, Microsoft renamed their search engine Bing. Bing's slogan is 'Bing and Decide' - that is, search on Bing and make a decision. Because, Microsoft has also introduced Bing as a 'decision engine' which can help the user to make a decision about something.

The Bing search engine uses Microsoft's own algorithm. It also sometimes provides direct answers as search results. The image in the background of Bing's homepage changes every day.

Duck Duck Go-

You can easily rely on the postal go search engine for proper results while maintaining privacy. And it collects information from various crowd places such as Wikipedia.

There are also some more popular search engines .. 1. Baidu 2. 3. Yandex 4. Pipilika 5. Chorki 6. MSN 7. AOL 8. Excite 9. Wolfram Alpha 10. 11. Lycos 12. Dogpile 13. Yippy 14. Youdao 15. WebCrawler 16. Ecosia Etc.

Software used in search engines:

Search engines perform their functions through three major software. The software is: 01. Web Crawler by Spider software 02. Index Software 03. Query Software

How search engines work:

Search engines collect information from all live websites by sending a spider. Another software of search engine is indexer. It basically stores the information step by step and if the text is not up to standard. Index software removes that information from the search engine. It sorts out the necessary information and deletes the duplicate information, so that after searching in the search engine we get the information we want and the correct or appropriate information.

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