
How to stay safe on the Internet

You might be surprised to know that there are now 4.95 billion Internet users worldwide. While the Internet has made our way of life easier, there are also some downsides. Many people nowadays are facing various problems due to not knowing about the risk issues in using the internet. In fact, personal information is the most valuable thing in today's world. Rumor has it that Donald Trump's victory in the US Parliamentary election was due in part to the theft of personal information.

On that basis, various software and apps are constantly being created and disseminated, and through these, sometimes directly, sometimes tactically and sometimes through fraud, the work of stealing information is being done. And this work is being done by almost all the internet based organizations. Recently, Pathao, one of the top ride-sharing platforms in the country, has been collecting and storing users' sensitive information through its apps. Which has also become a threat to national security. Ordinary people of this country are fascinated only by the features of internet, no one even tries to know what is going on inside.

The Privacy Policy describes what your personal information will be used for when you install an app. Only if you agree with this interpretation should personal information be disclosed there and the app be used. However, most users do not read this long policy and allow it without reading it. As a result, Internet-based organizations can easily collect and store your valuable personal information. Everyone should be careful in these small matters. Being a trusted developer can be a bit of a concession, but not when you use an unfamiliar developer's app. However, it is enough to be aware of a number of things to protect the security of the Internet, let's learn about those things to be aware of today.

Caution in browser selection

As web browsers are increasingly used to access Internet-based information and services, it is important to ensure the security and safe use of web browsers. But the web browsers that are routinely provided with the computer's operating system, or the web browsers that we install, usually do not guarantee security. There are many more browsing software available besides Google Chrome or Internet Explorer browser. Although they are interesting to look at, in most cases these web browsers grab all your information. So be careful when choosing a browser.

Caution in using the free Play Store app

Many people download free apps from the Play Store. Ninety percent of these apps share user information with Google. For which the consent of the users is not taken However, Google has completely denied the matter. Google is not the only one involved in data sharing About 43 percent of apps share information with Facebook. There are a number of apps that share users' confidential information with reputable companies like Twitter, Amazon, Microsoft. This is not the first case of information theft and sharing. Information has been stolen in the same way before Lately, the issue is coming to the fore in the media. So, be careful before downloading the free app from the Play Store.

Caution in using public Wi-Fi

Be careful when using public Wi-Fi connections. Change this habit immediately. Otherwise, you may be a victim of hacking or malware from such public Wi-Fi. Many cybercriminals do hacking or virus removal through such connections for free. So the phone should not be connected with any unknown Wi-Fi connection.

Caution in using Facebook third-party app

Every day new apps are published on Facebook with the name ‘What would you look like if you were a girl?’, ‘How will you look after 50 years?’ Many of us, knowing that the app is not reliable, enter the app for pure pleasure. I don't just enter, I share the timeline and give everyone a chance to see the friends list. Many people in the friends list also enter the app for pure pleasure. The sole purpose of creating these apps is to collect user information. In that hope we try to add more information. Through which these apps grab your very valuable personal information. So refrain from accessing these Facebook apps.

Social media account hacking

We spread a huge amount of information through social media like Facebook. But we don't know that many people are constantly trying to steal our personal information. That's why account hacking often happens. The question that may come to your mind is what is the use of this hacked information? Argument analysts say the information hacked from Facebook is very valuable. If you can hack Facebook and steal information, cyber criminals make money from it. They sell such information by entering such dark web through some special software. Security experts say the hackers could use information stolen from Facebook to cause incidents such as identity theft or blackmail. These accounts are sold on virtual currencies like Bitcoin on the Dark Web. Depending on the importance of the information, each account is sold for 3 to 12 US dollars. The amount of information that has been hijacked from Facebook, if sold alone, could cost close to 800 million. Bill Connor, CEO of Sonicware, a US cybersecurity organization, said personal information is very valuable on the Dark Web. It is even more important if this information is taken at an institutional or state level.

According to Money Guru in the UK, a lot of information is available on the Dark Web after the hacking incident. Various organizations buy this information and use it to show advertisements.

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