
Easy and effective ways to get rid of mosquitoes in a natural way

A small insect mosquito. But even though it is small, its pain is hard to bear. Not only this, with the help of mosquito bites, people are exposed to all kinds of deadly diseases. These mosquitoes are carriers of deadly diseases like malaria, dengue, filariasis. Which can take away even life.

That's why many people sleep with mosquito nets to protect themselves from mosquitoes. But mosquitoes can bite during the day except at night. That is why many people are looking for alternative ways to repel mosquitoes from their homes. Coils or sprays available to repel mosquitoes can be harmful to the body as they contain chemicals. In this case, some natural scent can help you. Because there are some odors that mosquitoes don't like or can't stand. If you have those smells, mosquitoes will not come near. But let's find out which scents can easily repel mosquitoes-

The smell of neem leaves :

Neem leaves have innumerable qualities. This will help you to protect yourself from various germs. Again, this leaf will also protect from mosquitoes. If neem oil is applied on the skin, mosquitoes will not come close to the edge.

The smell of lemongrass :

Lemongrass is used in a variety of dishes. This fragrant leaf helps to enhance the taste of cooking. Plant these leafy trees at home. This will keep mosquitoes away. Because mosquitoes can't stand the smell of lemongrass at all.

The smell of basil leaves :

Basil leaves help you get rid of colds and coughs, it has many more benefits. This beneficial leaf also helps protect you from mosquitoes. Mosquitoes can't stand the smell of basil leaves. So keep the basil tree at home. Also, the oil made from the extract of the leaves of this tree is very effective in killing mosquitoes.

The smell of mint leaves :

Mint leaves are used to make a variety of drinks. It is also quite helpful in digestion. Girapani, Iced Tea, Mohito etc. This leaf is used to make the drink delicious. Mosquitoes can not tolerate the smell of these beneficial leaves. You can also use oil made from mint leaf extract to prevent mosquitoes.

The smell of garlic :

No matter how much garlic adds flavor to your cooking, mosquitoes do not like its smell at all. If you leave garlic somewhere, there will be no mosquitoes around it. Suppose again that those who eat more garlic, mosquitoes also refrain from eating their blood. So you can take the help of garlic to avoid mosquito bites.

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